Paulo Borlido | Arquitecto

Selected Projects

Full in-depth view of projects coming soon

Unfortunately is not yet possible to show you more details about these projects, but soon more info will be available in order to give you a proper in-depth view of them. 
Meanwhile, if you wish to see more of my work, you can check my portfolio, which contains mainly academic works. 


Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I'm originally from Viana do Castelo, a lovely town by the sea in the north of Portugal. 
Since early ages, I have grown a passion for architecture and its ability to determine or way of living.  I did my education at School of Architecture of Minho University and at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul, as part of a Erasmus scholarship. Eager to learn more, after finishing my studies I moved to The Netherlands where I lived and worked in two architecture offices for about a year and half. I have been taught that regardless political ideals, economical strengths or social status, a project should never lose focus of its major purpose: Architecture is for the people.  

In 2012 I returned to my hometown and started to work on my own commissions, in which I aimed to bring clarity and certainty to the clients ideas, making architecture that not only met their needs, providing higher quality of life, but embraces the site and its surroundings.  As a house is not longer only the shelter, but the extension of ourselves, the dialog with the client is constant and primordial: Have you got an idea? Let's Talk!


2005 – 2009 | School of Architecture Of Minho University, Portugal, Integrated Master in Architecture
2009 – 2010 | Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, Erasmus Scholarship

Work Experience

2012 – 2013 | PROD arquitectura, Architect
2011 – 2012 | SPRIKK office for architecture, Rotterdam, Architect
2011 | NEXT architects, Amsterdam, Intern, Leonardo da Vinci Scholarship

Other Facts

2012 | Establish own practice
2011 | Admission on the Portuguese Chamber of Architects 
2007 | Myriad House, entry for competition "arquitectar'07"

Drop me a line I'd love to hear from you.